Women in Japan today have few opportunities to do their hair in the traditional Japanese style, but the bunkin taka-shimada style is still widely known as the style used for brides at wedding ceremonies. This is one of the hairstyles that was popular in the early 19th century, alongside nage-shimada, shimetsuke-shimada and kuzushi-shimada. There are various theories that connect the use of the term shimada in the names of these styles with the Shimada-juku region. Pointing to the hairstyles found on ancient haniwa clay figurines, some conjecture that the Japanese word shimeta, in the sense of tied-up hair, became “Shimada”; others suggest that the hairstyles were devised by Tora Gozen, a 12th/13th-century prostitute hailing from Shimada; others say that prostitutes at Shimada-juku itself were the first to wear their hair in this style. Styles from left to right: Yui-wata, Edo-tayu, Otome-shimada, Osome-shimada. Suzu Suzuki has been a traditional Japanese hair stylist for more than 50 years, and is now working to pass on the art to a new generation
今や日本髪を結う機会など日常では 少なくなっているが、結婚式のときに 花嫁が結う「文金高島田」は広く知られている。これは、文化・文政時代に 「投げ島田」「しめつけ島田」「くずし 島田」とともに流行した髪結いの型 だ。そもそも島田髷の由来は、その名 前にあるように「島田宿」に縁がある など諸説ある。髪型が埴輪土器にもあ ることから「締めた」の言葉が転じて 「島田」説、鎌倉時代に島田出身の遊 女「虎御前」が考案したとされる説、 江戸時代島田宿の遊女が結い始めたとされるためだ。
低低地扁平地紮 束頭髮 如今紮日本髮的機會在日常生活中已 經較少,不過在婚禮時新娘所紮的「文 金高島田髻」廣爲人知。這是在 1804〜1 830 年代時,與「投島田髻」「締付 島田髻」「潰島田髻」同樣流行過的髮 型。原本島田髮髻的起源,據説就是與 名中所示的「島田宿」有關。有的說是 由於古墳冥器也有此髮型之所以「束 緊」之詞轉變為「島田」(兩詞的日語 發音相近);有的說是鎌倉時代島田出 身的妓女「虎御前」想出來的;又説是 江戶時代島田宿的妓女紮開而為其所 說等等。